BLS (bi-lateral stimulation, eye movements, tones or tapping): BLS is the science behind EMDR, and is used to create new neural pathways in the brain, which is part of neuroplasticity and promotes healing and learning. BLS can be used to process trauma, make sense of events, desensitize strong emotions and help develop new resources to help us and aid in learning.
Calm Safe State: This is an exercise developed before starting EMDR and to help with creating a feeling of safety and calm while engaging in EMDR. The therapist will help you recall a time that you felt safe and grounded, and help identify a calm safe state in your body if you need help accessing this resource within yourself. Once completed, the calm safe state can be used anytime you need it.
RDI (Resource Development and Installation) This exercise is similar to the calm safe state where the therapist will work with you to develop a resource needed to help get through an event or troubling emotion. I like to think of resources as supportive friends that we can think of when we need some extra support in our lives. Resources can be anything or anyone. For example, a client felt nervous due to their upcoming public speaking event, so the client and the therapist decided to develop a resource using Martin Luther King Jr. to help the client tap into their truth, dedication and passion while speaking.
EMD: This is a targeted form of EMDR used to desensitize a memory or event that causes the client a lot of distress by thinking about it. EMD is often used if the memories chosen to work on are too painful to process in the moment, EMD would be used to grant some relief from intense emotions in the moment so the memory is easier to process later.
Future rehearsal: This is a visualization exercise to help manifest a future event that the client would like to accomplish. Usually once this exercise is completed the client will find it easier to figure out the details of how to get what they want accomplished. Our mind is excellent at figuring out the "how" on its own when it focuses on the "light at the end of the tunnel".